Seri Kandi Tanah Jauhar
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“Mew Collection: The Moon is Beautiful” available 15 October 2020

KUALA LUMPUR, 14 October 2020 - Footwear brand SKECHERS has launched a special collection in collaboration with Mew-Suppasit Jongcheveevat, SKECHERS Thailand’s Brand Ambassador. Malaysian fans of the Thai actor can now get their hands on the much-anticipated “Mew Collection : The Moon Is Beautiful” exclusively on Shopee from 15 October 2020. 

The Mew Collection : The Moon Is Beautiful consists of caps, t-shirts, hoodies, jackets, pants and bags, and comes in 4 different colours - black, yellow, white and grey, for customers to mix and match into several different styles. SKECHERS Thailand Brand Ambassador Mew-Suppasit not only conceptualised the idea but also selected the colour scheme and designed the logo of the entire collection. 

Mew-Suppasit Jongcheveevat, SKECHERS Thailand’s Brand Ambassador said, “It was very exciting to be working with SKECHERS in creating this new line of collection, especially knowing that it will be featured in many Asian countries. I felt the need to ensure the design was suitable for different groups of people, but at the same time conveys the meaning behind the designs. I came up with ‘The Moon is Beautiful’, a Japanese belief of sending love through the moon as my inspiration in hopes of spreading my love and goodwill to customers and fans.”

The Mew Collection : The Moon is Beautiful takes inspiration from an ancient Japanese tale revolving around the confession of love through the moon. The saying “the moon is beautiful'' is another expression of “I love you”. Therefore, the collection’s logo is designed with the letter “M'' to represent 

both the ‘Moon’ as well as ‘Mew’. The connecting circle lines represent the moon, conveying love and relationship, along with an infinity symbol that resembles two moons together as part of the collection’s elements.

SKECHERS “Mew Collection : The Moon is Beautiful” will be available exclusively on SKECHERS Malaysia Official Store on Shopee from 15 October 2020 at

#SkechersMY #SkechersXMewSuppasit

A $4.64 billion global leader in the footwear industry, Skechers USA, Inc. designs, develops and markets more than 3,000 styles for men, women and children. Skechers' success stems from its employees, high-quality, varied product offering, diversified domestic and international distribution channels, and targeted multi-channel marketing.

The Company offers two distinct footwear categories: a lifestyle division and performance footwear. Through licensing agreements, the company also offers branded apparel, accessories, eyewear, scrubs and more.

Celebrity product endorsees for Skechers' lifestyle collections include multi-platinum recording artist Camila Cabello and athletic legends like David Ortiz, Tony Romo, Sugar Ray Leonard and Howie Long. The Skechers Performance Division's roster of elite athletes features marathon champion and Boston Marathon winner Meb Keflezighi, and pro golfers Matt Kuchar, Brooke Henderson, Russell Knox, Wesley Bryan, Billy Andrade and Colin Montgomerie.

The Company sells its footwear in department, specialty and independent stores, as well as through more than 3,000 Skechers retail stores and online at Beyond the United States, Skechers product is available in more than 170 countries and territories through an international network of subsidiaries in Canada, Japan, India, Europe and Latin America, joint ventures in Asia, Mexico and the Middle East, and distributors around the world.

Headquartered in Manhattan Beach, California, Skechers is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol SKX.

SKECHERS MALAYSIA SDN BHD is a joint venture with SKECHERS USA, INC since 2009. The company markets a diverse range of footwear and apparel for men, women and children under the SKECHERS name. For more information, please visit and follow us on Facebook ( and Instagram (@skechersmalaysia).


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Terima kasih

  1. sandal brand skechers ni best pakai!

  2. Kita ada sepasang kasut Skechers ni, baru je beli Yana belanja, memang selesa.. ni kalau pakai outfit dia, lagi le selesa ek..cuma rege tu faham-faham aje leee

  3. i minat gila MEW ni, aduh takot beli sketches ni sbb mew ja hahaha

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